Il progetto di una banca di nuova generazione totalmente digitale, per soddisfare in maniera innovativa e attraverso il digital i bisogni di imprese e famiglie [...]
Un primario gruppo bancario sta affrontando la sfida della trasformazione in ambito dati sia dal punto di vista tecnologico che metodologico [...]
Una primaria istituzione finanziaria italiana affronta la sfida della trasformazione digitale in termini di processi organizzativi e modelli di business [...]
Digital disruption has made its mark, changing how consumers interact with and consume banking services. For banks there is no way back from digital. A new landscape [...]
Efficient and secure payment systems are the foundation of stable financial systems. The German Central Bank secures and monitors cashless payment transactions in the financial markets in [...]
Finance start-ups and traditional banks are now living the honeymoon period; finally convinced that alliances are better than direct competition. There is no question of absorbing a [...]
The open-source cryptocurrency protocol (i.e. Bitcoin) was published in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto, an anonymous developer (or group of bitcoin developers) hiding behind this alias. The true identity [...]
Recent disruptions in finance and overall market scenarios have imposed to European Regulators to build up significant barriers to limit the risks associated to banking and financial [...]
Due to the evolving landscape, banks are currently facing more challenges than ever before. With sub-10% ROEs and external factors such as low interest rates, banks are [...]
Increasing competitiveness in financial markets and the (“expected”) growth of both volume and complexity of financial instruments are bringing banks to enhance their technology platforms to ensure [...]
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