Efficient and secure payment systems are the foundation of stable financial systems. The German Central Bank secures and monitors cashless payment transactions in the financial markets in Germany, provides processing and clearing services, and participates in the further development of a standardized payment transaction system in Europe. To fulfil these requirements, a payment landscape has been provided and will continue to be provided by the German Central Bank, which will secure national, Europe-wide and international payment transactions for single as well as bulk payments.
A continuous development of such a payment landscape took place over the last 15 years. The best-known developments are surely the development of TARGET2 and the on going development of T2S. In collaboration with the different TARGET systems, and in part also independently, clearing and payment transaction functions were developed and put into operation that work together with these systems or use liquid assets from these systems.
R&L, part of the Be Group, has actively participated in these activities throughout the last 15 years and made significant contributions to the design of business processes, system designs and their technical implementation.
During the course of these developments, the entire existing master data management system proved to be out of date and risky (different key terms, distribution and redundancies, inconsistencies that resulted in reputational damages, etc.). To reduce the risks and set the base for a state of the art information management, R&L continues to support the Deutsche Bundesbank, to set up and develop a new master data management system that:
Our team has been involved in and has shaped all of these developments from the first step until today. This includes tasks such as technical and methodological coaching of the staff, participating in data and process modeling, technical specifications and migration as well as drafting test methods and test scenarios.